Who falls is love faster.. Boys or Girls ?
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What 9 Letter Word Is Still A Word After You Remove One Letter Each Time? Answer – STARTLING Explanation – STARTLING is the only 9 letter word in the English language which yields another word each time we remove a letter from it. The word Startling means “surprising”. Take a look at the different words that are formed after removing a letter each time.
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There are two gates, one to hell and the other to heaven. Two gatekeepers, one for each gate. One of them always speaks the truth and the other always lies but you don’t know which one guards which gate. You are allowed only one question and you need to find out the gate to heaven. What is the question? Solution: Ask any guard “What would the other guard say if I ask which way is to the hell ?” And whatever answer he give is the way to the heaven. Explaintation: If you end up asking the question to the truthful one, he will speak the truth and he knows that other guard is going to lie so he will show the way to the heaven. If you end up asking the question to the liar, he will lie about the other and the answer will be the way to the heaven.
Can you figure out what the missing number is? Answer : Read the first two rows of numbers horizontally, each as one number — 289 and 324. The pattern is that 17 x 17 = 289 and 18 x 18 = 324. So it stands to reason that the bottom row will be 19 x 19 = 361. Therefore, the missing number is one.
I had 13 dollars. My mom gave me 10 dollars while my dad gave me 30 dollars. My aunt and uncle gave me 100 dollars. I had another 5 dollars. How much money did I have? Answer: The correct answer to “I Had 13 Dollars Riddle” is “18 Dollars.” When you read the riddle carefully, it says “How much money did I have?”. So here it refers to the past tense. so we can say that earlier I had $13.00 + $5.00 = $18.00 Just remember one thing that there can be multiple answers for this riddle.
By Moving only 2 Matches, What is the Biggest Possible Number You can make? Ans : Below are the three most popular answers for the Biggest Possible Number problem If you think the answer is 999If you think the answer is 15118
If you think the answer is 51181
This problem has several possible solutions, depending on how you approach the problem!
What is 7th Letter in the Alphabet? Answer : “7th Letter in the Alphabet Riddle” If you are thinking G is the answer then you are wrong. 7th letter Alphabet Riddle’s Answer is actually “E” as “E” is at the 7th position in Alphabet word.
In a square room there is a cat in every corner of the room. In front of each cat, there are 3 cats. How many cats are there in the room? Answer : There are 4 cats presents inside the square room. As square room each corner contain 1 cat means there are 4 cats and In front of each cat there are 3 cats it is clear that every cat in the room has 3 cats in front of it.
You enter a bedroom there are 34 people. You kill 30. How many are in the bedroom? Answer : Answer is 35 people because the question asks how many people, not how many people are alive
In a new hotel containing 100 rooms, Tom was hired to paint the numbers from 1-100 on the doors. How many times will Tom have to paint the number 8? Answer: So the total number of 8’s between 1 to 100 are 20 as follows: 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 98.
Name the state without an A Answer : The correct State without an A riddle answer is ‘Stte’. This is just confusing in this riddle they just expected to simply spell the word state without the letter A